So, I officially love being a nurse. Practicum went awesome. I love the nurse I am working with and love getting to take care of the kids. It is so much fun!
I work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so I will be completely wiped out when I am done! Thanks for all your prayers!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Such strange feelings...
So, tomorrow is an important day. I start practicum. For those of you who may not know, practicum is kinda like an internship. I work with a RN and basically do her job for 200 hours. She is right there with me and helps me out, but I do all the meds, IV, procedures, assessments, etc.
I am half excited and half scared out of my mind. I am excited because this is what I have wanted to for so long. I love children and the thought of getting to be part of their care is amazing. I am thrilled to be able to see what my future job will be like. I know I will learn so much.
I am terrified because I do not feel ready. I do not know enough to be a nurse. They say everyone feels this way, but I don't like that. I am one of those people who does fine if I know what to expect. I have not a clue. Clinical and the real world of nursing are completely different. I just don't want to do anything stupid (which is easy when you are completely wiped with so many 12 hour shifts). I will be working like a mad women to try to get all these 200 hours in as fast as humanly possible. This week I work Monday, have class Tuesday, then work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! These are 12 hour shifts (7a-7:30p). Then next week I have class on Tuesday and work Wednesday and Thursday. The schedule repeats it self after that. So, I will be working every other weekend for awhile (except I am NOT working on Valentine's day...I am spending it with my David)
Anyway, I absolutely LOVE my preceptor (the nurse I am working with) and am glad to have such a cool, young nurse! If you think about me tomorrow please say a prayer. I will try to update soon and let you know how it is going! LOVE YOU ALL!
I am half excited and half scared out of my mind. I am excited because this is what I have wanted to for so long. I love children and the thought of getting to be part of their care is amazing. I am thrilled to be able to see what my future job will be like. I know I will learn so much.
I am terrified because I do not feel ready. I do not know enough to be a nurse. They say everyone feels this way, but I don't like that. I am one of those people who does fine if I know what to expect. I have not a clue. Clinical and the real world of nursing are completely different. I just don't want to do anything stupid (which is easy when you are completely wiped with so many 12 hour shifts). I will be working like a mad women to try to get all these 200 hours in as fast as humanly possible. This week I work Monday, have class Tuesday, then work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! These are 12 hour shifts (7a-7:30p). Then next week I have class on Tuesday and work Wednesday and Thursday. The schedule repeats it self after that. So, I will be working every other weekend for awhile (except I am NOT working on Valentine's day...I am spending it with my David)
Anyway, I absolutely LOVE my preceptor (the nurse I am working with) and am glad to have such a cool, young nurse! If you think about me tomorrow please say a prayer. I will try to update soon and let you know how it is going! LOVE YOU ALL!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
25 Things You May Not Know About Me
1) I hate making my bed, but do not feel right about the day until the bed is made.
2) I love Yellowbox flip flops and wish it was warm enough to wear them.
3) Some nights I sleep 12 hours, some nights I sleep 6.
4) I absolutely do not feel human in the morning without my cup of coffee.
5) I absolutely HATE taking out the trash.
7) Dollar Tree is my new favorite store, they have really cool things in there.
8) I love dressing up and wish I had more opportunities to get dolled up.
9) I am not a patient person. At all.
10) I am in an orange kick right now, I have a huge basket of them on my kitchen table.
11) I melt inside when I see my boyfriend for the first time during the day (even after almost 10 months)
12) The "momma" in me comes out a lot when dealing with kids. I don't know how it's in there.
13) I literally get excited when my favorite pajammas are clean and I get to wear them.
14) I exercise on Wii-Fit daily mainly because I do not want that thing yelling at me for not working out!
15) I absolutely love Jon and Kate plus 8 and Tabitha's Salon Makeover.
16) I can always find something in Hobby Lobby that I cannot live without.
17) I want to learn how to garden and plant flowers.
18) I cook a completely new recipe at least once a week.
19) I wish I could take a bubble bath every single day. (And for you bubble bath haters, I do not sit in a pool of my own dirt. I am clean before I get in, I mean I do not roll around in mud all day.)
20) I would marry David today if he asked me, I am 100% sure about this one!
21) I love Borax laundry booster. It rocks!
22) I think that God has called me to work with children.
23) I hate the way the Grove opperates!
24) Sonic Happy Hour rocks and I love the Cherry Lime-aid!
25) I love Redbox and getting to rent movies for $1.
2) I love Yellowbox flip flops and wish it was warm enough to wear them.
3) Some nights I sleep 12 hours, some nights I sleep 6.
4) I absolutely do not feel human in the morning without my cup of coffee.
5) I absolutely HATE taking out the trash.
7) Dollar Tree is my new favorite store, they have really cool things in there.
8) I love dressing up and wish I had more opportunities to get dolled up.
9) I am not a patient person. At all.
10) I am in an orange kick right now, I have a huge basket of them on my kitchen table.
11) I melt inside when I see my boyfriend for the first time during the day (even after almost 10 months)
12) The "momma" in me comes out a lot when dealing with kids. I don't know how it's in there.
13) I literally get excited when my favorite pajammas are clean and I get to wear them.
14) I exercise on Wii-Fit daily mainly because I do not want that thing yelling at me for not working out!
15) I absolutely love Jon and Kate plus 8 and Tabitha's Salon Makeover.
16) I can always find something in Hobby Lobby that I cannot live without.
17) I want to learn how to garden and plant flowers.
18) I cook a completely new recipe at least once a week.
19) I wish I could take a bubble bath every single day. (And for you bubble bath haters, I do not sit in a pool of my own dirt. I am clean before I get in, I mean I do not roll around in mud all day.)
20) I would marry David today if he asked me, I am 100% sure about this one!
21) I love Borax laundry booster. It rocks!
22) I think that God has called me to work with children.
23) I hate the way the Grove opperates!
24) Sonic Happy Hour rocks and I love the Cherry Lime-aid!
25) I love Redbox and getting to rent movies for $1.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Date Night!
Well, tonight is date night. I have been very lucky this week that David is working in Mobile! I have gotten to see him every single day this week. Tonight we are having a date night. He is bringing home dinner and I rented the movie "Made of Honor." I am excited! I have the best boyfriend in the world!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Neopolitan Baked Ziti
So today I cooked dinner for David and Ryan (his roommate). I offered to do it because they are two guys and their idea of cooking is throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. I figured they needed a home cooked meal.
So, anyway I was wondering what to cook and wanted to try something different. I saw an episode of Rachael Ray's talk show and she was making a really yummy looking pasta dish she called Neopolitan Baked Ziti (you know Rachael with all of her cutsie names). I changed it up a little bit and it turned out fantastic.
All you do is cook the ziti, then toss it in tomato sauce (I made my own) with some browned hamburger meat (I added this, Rach's was meat free). Put the pasta and sauce in a baking dish. This is the part that makes it Neopolitan: you top it with a white sauce. I made a quick roux with butter, flour, and milk and then just poured it on top. Of course then I topped the whole thing in Mozzerella and Parm cheese. It bakes on 400 degrees for 25-30 min or until bubbly!
They loved it! It was so yummy. I served it with bread and a salad and even made Oreo pie as dessert. The best news: there are tons of leftovers! YUMM!
So, anyway I was wondering what to cook and wanted to try something different. I saw an episode of Rachael Ray's talk show and she was making a really yummy looking pasta dish she called Neopolitan Baked Ziti (you know Rachael with all of her cutsie names). I changed it up a little bit and it turned out fantastic.
All you do is cook the ziti, then toss it in tomato sauce (I made my own) with some browned hamburger meat (I added this, Rach's was meat free). Put the pasta and sauce in a baking dish. This is the part that makes it Neopolitan: you top it with a white sauce. I made a quick roux with butter, flour, and milk and then just poured it on top. Of course then I topped the whole thing in Mozzerella and Parm cheese. It bakes on 400 degrees for 25-30 min or until bubbly!
They loved it! It was so yummy. I served it with bread and a salad and even made Oreo pie as dessert. The best news: there are tons of leftovers! YUMM!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wii Fit!
Anyone have one of these? I got one for Christmas and am addicted! So much fun and so hard. I have done it almost every single day and I still am having fun. I did it this morning and sort of want to do it again, but I probably won't because I don't want it weighing me again. LOL. Us girls are weird, aren't we?
But, I am actually losing weight. Slowly, but surely. The biggest difference I have noticed is that my pants are actually about to fall off of me! YAY!
Haven't done one of these in awhile...thought I would post it here!
78 Things You Didn't Know About Me Until You Read This:
What Color Is Your Toothbrush?
a purple and white one I got from the dentist a few weeks ago.
2. Name One Person That Made You Smile Today?
What Were You Doing At 8 Am This Morning?
it's not quite 8 yet. I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep!
What Were You Doing 45 Minutes Ago?
watching the news
What Is Your Favorite Candy ?
sour gummi worms
Have You Ever Been To A Strip Club?
uh, that would be a negative!
What's the last thing you said out loud?
Ok, I love you! Bye.
What Is The Best Ice Cream Flavor?
cookies & cream
What Was The Last Thing You Had To Drink?
What Is The Longest You Have Gone Without Sleeping?
not sure...probably too much more than 24 hours. I like my sleep!
Have You Ever Made A Promise You'd Die To Keep?
Have You Bought Any New Clothing Items This Week?
The Last Sporting Event You Watched?
football...sadly it did not go so well.
What Is Your Favorite Flavor Of Popcorn?
Who Is The Last Person You Sent A Message On Facebook?
Aunt Pam maybe
Ever Go Camping?
yes, but I am not a happy camper, not my thing
17. Do You Take Vitamins Daily?
I never remember to take them, but I have some!
18. Do You Go To Church Every Sunday?
19. Do You Have A Tan?
I have never had a tan in my life. I am so fair skinned!
21. Do You Drink Your Soda With A Straw?
depends what I am drinking out of, but I hardly ever use a straw at home
What Did Your Last Text Message Say?
it said "For What?"
What are you doing tomorrow?
cooking for David and Ryan
Where Is Your Dad?
probably headed for work
Look To Your Left, What Do You See?
my bathroom
what Color Is Your Watch?
What Do You Think Of When You Hear Australia?
What did you do yesterday?
I cleaned my aparment and worked out on Wii Fit and then did some schoolwork. I also made various phone calls for school.
29. Do You Go In At A Fast Food Place Or Just Hit The Drive Thru?
usually drive thru
What Is Your Favorite Number?
4...not sure why
Who's The Last Person You Talked To On The Phone?
Any Plans Today?
I need to go to the grocery store
33Biggest Annoyance In Your Life Right Now?
I want to be done with nursing school.
Last Song Listened To?
ummm....not sure
35Can You Say The Alphabet Backwards?
36. Do You Have A Maid Service Clean Your House?
Favorite Pair Of Shoes You Wear All The Time?
flip flops in the the winter I always wear the same shoes and they are getting old. I need to toss them, but they are SO comfy.
Are You Jealous Of Anyone?
39. Is Anyone Jealous Of You?
not that I know of
40. Do You Love Anyone?
yes, lots of people
41. Do Any Of Your Friends Have Children?
What Do You Usually Do During The Day?
depends on the day
43. Do You Hate Anyone That You Know Right Now?
44. Do You Use The Word 'hello' Daily?
45. Do You Like Cats?
No. Not in the least.
Have You Ever Been To Six Flags?
How Did You Get Your Worst Scar?
I don't have any scars. Well, I have a small chicken pox scar.
Last Smoke?
don't smoke...gross.
Last Cd Played?
umm...David Cook
Last Bubble Bath?
yesterday. I love them!
Last Time You Cried?
yesterday from all the stress!
Last Meal?
frozen mac and cheese dinner and an orange. I have been in an orange kick lately!
Have You Ever Dated Someone Twice?
Have You Ever Kissed Someone & Regretted It?
sort of
are You In Love?
Have You Ever Lost Someone?
Have You Ever Slept Until 1pm?
oh no. Unless I was sick or something. I am an early bird.
Have You Ever Been Drunk And Threw Up?
nope, never been drunk. Never even tasted alcohol!
List Three People You Can Tell Pretty Much Anything To?
David, Mom, Dad.
List Three Favorite Colors/shades —
pink, blue, purple.
Laughed Until You Cried:
many times
Went Behind Your Parents Back?
I'm sure...nothing major though
Who Posted This Before You?
Dana from church
Gay Marriage?
Lowering The Drinking Age?
no way
Straight, Gay, Or Bi?
Who Are The Best Huggers That You Know?
David and Timmy
68. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?
not really
69. Is There Something You Want To Tell Someone?
not really
Would You Kiss Anyone On Your Top Friends?
my boyfriend
How Many Kids Do You Want To Have?
I'd like 4!!!! It's my favorite number, remember? LOL!
72. Do You Want To Change Your Name?
when I get married I will
Last Time You Saw Your Father?
a little over a week ago :0(
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
How Old Are You?
What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night?
Trying to go to sleep
What Is Your Favorite Thing In Your Room?
my bed
Where Is Your Best Friend Right Now?
they are all over.
What Color Is Your Toothbrush?
a purple and white one I got from the dentist a few weeks ago.
2. Name One Person That Made You Smile Today?
What Were You Doing At 8 Am This Morning?
it's not quite 8 yet. I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep!
What Were You Doing 45 Minutes Ago?
watching the news
What Is Your Favorite Candy ?
sour gummi worms
Have You Ever Been To A Strip Club?
uh, that would be a negative!
What's the last thing you said out loud?
Ok, I love you! Bye.
What Is The Best Ice Cream Flavor?
cookies & cream
What Was The Last Thing You Had To Drink?
What Is The Longest You Have Gone Without Sleeping?
not sure...probably too much more than 24 hours. I like my sleep!
Have You Ever Made A Promise You'd Die To Keep?
Have You Bought Any New Clothing Items This Week?
The Last Sporting Event You Watched?
football...sadly it did not go so well.
What Is Your Favorite Flavor Of Popcorn?
Who Is The Last Person You Sent A Message On Facebook?
Aunt Pam maybe
Ever Go Camping?
yes, but I am not a happy camper, not my thing
17. Do You Take Vitamins Daily?
I never remember to take them, but I have some!
18. Do You Go To Church Every Sunday?
19. Do You Have A Tan?
I have never had a tan in my life. I am so fair skinned!
21. Do You Drink Your Soda With A Straw?
depends what I am drinking out of, but I hardly ever use a straw at home
What Did Your Last Text Message Say?
it said "For What?"
What are you doing tomorrow?
cooking for David and Ryan
Where Is Your Dad?
probably headed for work
Look To Your Left, What Do You See?
my bathroom
what Color Is Your Watch?
What Do You Think Of When You Hear Australia?
What did you do yesterday?
I cleaned my aparment and worked out on Wii Fit and then did some schoolwork. I also made various phone calls for school.
29. Do You Go In At A Fast Food Place Or Just Hit The Drive Thru?
usually drive thru
What Is Your Favorite Number?
4...not sure why
Who's The Last Person You Talked To On The Phone?
Any Plans Today?
I need to go to the grocery store
33Biggest Annoyance In Your Life Right Now?
I want to be done with nursing school.
Last Song Listened To?
ummm....not sure
35Can You Say The Alphabet Backwards?
36. Do You Have A Maid Service Clean Your House?
Favorite Pair Of Shoes You Wear All The Time?
flip flops in the the winter I always wear the same shoes and they are getting old. I need to toss them, but they are SO comfy.
Are You Jealous Of Anyone?
39. Is Anyone Jealous Of You?
not that I know of
40. Do You Love Anyone?
yes, lots of people
41. Do Any Of Your Friends Have Children?
What Do You Usually Do During The Day?
depends on the day
43. Do You Hate Anyone That You Know Right Now?
44. Do You Use The Word 'hello' Daily?
45. Do You Like Cats?
No. Not in the least.
Have You Ever Been To Six Flags?
How Did You Get Your Worst Scar?
I don't have any scars. Well, I have a small chicken pox scar.
Last Smoke?
don't smoke...gross.
Last Cd Played?
umm...David Cook
Last Bubble Bath?
yesterday. I love them!
Last Time You Cried?
yesterday from all the stress!
Last Meal?
frozen mac and cheese dinner and an orange. I have been in an orange kick lately!
Have You Ever Dated Someone Twice?
Have You Ever Kissed Someone & Regretted It?
sort of
are You In Love?
Have You Ever Lost Someone?
Have You Ever Slept Until 1pm?
oh no. Unless I was sick or something. I am an early bird.
Have You Ever Been Drunk And Threw Up?
nope, never been drunk. Never even tasted alcohol!
List Three People You Can Tell Pretty Much Anything To?
David, Mom, Dad.
List Three Favorite Colors/shades —
pink, blue, purple.
Laughed Until You Cried:
many times
Went Behind Your Parents Back?
I'm sure...nothing major though
Who Posted This Before You?
Dana from church
Gay Marriage?
Lowering The Drinking Age?
no way
Straight, Gay, Or Bi?
Who Are The Best Huggers That You Know?
David and Timmy
68. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?
not really
69. Is There Something You Want To Tell Someone?
not really
Would You Kiss Anyone On Your Top Friends?
my boyfriend
How Many Kids Do You Want To Have?
I'd like 4!!!! It's my favorite number, remember? LOL!
72. Do You Want To Change Your Name?
when I get married I will
Last Time You Saw Your Father?
a little over a week ago :0(
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
How Old Are You?
What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night?
Trying to go to sleep
What Is Your Favorite Thing In Your Room?
my bed
Where Is Your Best Friend Right Now?
they are all over.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
First day back!
Today was the first day of my last semester of school. It's amazing how nice everyone is when they know we are about to graduate. Haha.
This semester is not going to be bad at all (knock on wood!). I only have three classes (one class only meets 3 times the whole semester). All of my classes are on Tuesday, so that works out. I hardly have any tests, but I ended up with several papers.
The biggest thing will be Practicum. We have to work 200 hours with our nurse. Which seems like a lot, but when you think about could get it done fast. I mean within a month or two, working 12 hour shifts.
I am SO ready to be a "real" nurse and move on with my life. I am also a little nervous about growing up and making it on my own. WOW! That will be a tad different! Ahhh!
This semester is not going to be bad at all (knock on wood!). I only have three classes (one class only meets 3 times the whole semester). All of my classes are on Tuesday, so that works out. I hardly have any tests, but I ended up with several papers.
The biggest thing will be Practicum. We have to work 200 hours with our nurse. Which seems like a lot, but when you think about could get it done fast. I mean within a month or two, working 12 hour shifts.
I am SO ready to be a "real" nurse and move on with my life. I am also a little nervous about growing up and making it on my own. WOW! That will be a tad different! Ahhh!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ok, World...I Am Back!

Ok, So I took a break from my blog, but I am back! I had a wonderful birthday, a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a great trip to Florida since I wrote last.
I got wonderful gifts for my birthday and Christmas (Wii Fit, Kodak digital camera, boots, red coat, crock pot, flowers- pink roses to be exact, movies, etc...)
After Christmas I went with David and his amazing family to Florida. His cousin got married so we spent a day at the wedding, a day at church/shopping/touring Southeastern (where Dave went to college), day at Epcot, and a date filled with putt-putt, shopping, and yummy food. I had so much fun and David's family spoiled me rotten. I love those guys!
After that I spent a couple of days in David's hometown of Florence, AL and got to kiss my sweetie one New Years. It was wonderful.
Then back to Alabaster to visit some more with my fam and I miss them so much. It was great spending so much time just chillin' with Mom and Dad and Tim (and Clark when he was around).
I am now back in Mobile and had a wonderful weekend with David. His birthday was last week, so we celebrated that. I made him homemade chicken fetticine alfredo and a cookie cake. YUMM!!
Then today we got to celebrate our 9 month anniversary. We hung out and I helped him organize his warehouse...we have fun doing anything.
Tomorrow I have to start school back for the last time. I still haven't heard about Practicum, so everyone pray! I really want to get Peds! Ok, it is getting late and I need sleep! 6 clock comes WAY to early! LOVE YOU ALL! More to come later!
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