So, most of you probably already know, but I am engaged! David proposed to me and I said yes, of course. I wanted to write a little blog about how he did it because I know everyone wants to know.
We are in Long Beach this weekend and I met with the pastor's wife this morning about children's church (David set this up to occupy me, but I didn't know at the time). I spent the morning with her talking about children's church, cirriculum, etc. and then David called me and said to meet him at the church when we got done and we would go to lunch. I left and headed for the church still completely clueless.
I walked into the church (with an armload of Walmart bags) and noticed that there was rose petals scattered in the sanctuary. I immediately knew what was about to happen and started shaking. Literally, my knees turned to jello. I then started calling out for David and he never answered so I walked in the sanctuary and their were rose petals scattered everywhere and candles lining the aisle. I got to the front, where the alter is, and there was a table set up with pictures of us, ticket stubs to movies we went to, restaurant reciepts, and cards I had given him. I turned around and David was coming up the aisle playing his guitar and singing "All I Want is You" which is the first song he ever sang to me.
He started telling me how the guitar can be enjoyed by people listening to it and but it wasn't plugged in so only the people there could hear it. When you plug it in, the whole world can enjoy it. He said it was time for the world to know about us and time for us to start our life together. He reached in the guitar and pulled out the ring (it was tied to a string) and then got down on one knee, told me how much he loved me, and asked me to marry him.
BTW, of course the whole time this is going on I am crying, covering my mouth with my hands, and shaking like a leaf. I couldn't even form the word "yes" I just started nodding. He slipped the ring on my finger (which is BEAUTIFUL) and of course there was lots of hugs, kisses, and excitement! Then the phone calls started! It was absolutely perfect and something I will always remember! I am probably leaving out details and he could tell it better, but I was having an out of body experience!
We are getting married September 25, which is only 5 months away! I have a lot to do before then, but we really didn't want a long engagement. Just pray I find a job fast!!!
Love you guys!