Happy Tuesday, Everyone!
This past month I have been feeling so blah. Not really sick or anything, but just run down. The house (or more acurately, apartment) had gotten really cluttered and messy, we were doing a lot of take out and very little cooking, and I had a hard time getting off of the couch.
Right now, I am not working, so I was pretty much feeling like the worst wife ever. My husband never complained or anything, but I just couldn't seem to pull it together.
I am slowly starting to feel more like myself. I guess it was the combination of stress, back pain, and a lot of stuff going on in our family. Luckily, I am snapping out of it and realizing that God has it all under control and worrying about it won't do anything and just makes me depressed.

So, today I have been a cleaning maniac! That picture really could have been me, minus the nice hair and makeup. I tackled laundry, dishes, changed sheets, etc. I even dusted the ceiling fan and cleaned the microwave (which wasn't really dirty, but just felt so much better to have it scrubbed). Boy, is my hubby going to be excited and surprised when he comes home!
I also made a run to Target to stock up on groceries. I started clipping coupons again. I really only use them when I am buying the product anyway, but it saves a lot in the long run. Hello, free money! On my $60 bill, I saved almost $10, which feels really good. I need to buy some ink for my printer so that I can't print coupons from home. There are some good ones online. Yay for coupons!

Other than that, I am really trying to make better eating choices. It's hard being home so much, because I want to snack all the time! I will never be a size 2, but would love to get down to a healthy weight. I know I would feel better about myself. I also need to start exercising. We have a gym at our apartment, but it's really small and is usually pretty crowded. We are thinking about joing Planet Fitness. I was a member there for over a year during college and I loved it. It's nice to have a place with lots of equipment, tvs, and a locker room. It's pretty inexpensive too, which is really important.
Hope you all are doing well and having a blessed day!