Yay! I survived another week of clinical. It went a lot better than last week, my patients were at least nice to me. Today, I am studying HARD all day for my adult test tomorrow. I am very nervous, because I haven't done very well in that class so far. I really need to do good on this test.
I had such a great time with David and his parents last weekend. It was so much like spending time with my family and it helped to not be so homesick. So thanks to the Holleys for letting me tag along! Anyway, this is a short post. Nothing else going on! Love you guys!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
David and I are going to Biloxi for the weekend to visit with his parents. They haven't been here since David moved, so they rented a condo and we are going to hang out. I am excited to get to spend time with them again.
With everyone being so negative lately, I decided to make a list of everything I love right now! It is definitely bigger than the list of things I hate, so here goes:
1) The much much lower gas prices. I don't buy my own gas, but it still makes me excited. I got gas today for $2.55 a gallon.
2) The cooler weather, or boyfriend weather as I call it.
3) That I actually can see myself graduating nursing school in the very near future and I seem to actually know what I am doing at the hospital (somewhat)
4) That CATO was having a sale last night and I got 4 really cute shirts.
5) My boyfriend taking such great care of me. He is the best.
6) My new apartment! Well, it's not new, but it now looks amazing.
7) My halloween wreath my aunt Pam made me, so cute!
8) Monkey Munch (if you watch Jon and Kate plus 8 you will know what this is). I made some last night and it is very yummy.
9) Rachael Ray's talk show. I look forward to it each and everyday.
10) The mexican restaurant in Gulfport that me and David frequent.
11) Willow Tree Figurines. I need more, but I love the ones I have.
12) All my friends in nursing school. So great to have people going through the same things you are.
13) My amazing family for always supporting me and believing in me.
14) Monopoly at McDonalds. I go there just to get a Diet Coke and try to win. So far, no luck.
That's just a few of the things I love. I also love all of you who read my blog! Thanks!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Two patients now...oh the joy!
So, yesterday was my first day picking up two patients. Oh my, the chaos. I was at the hosptial for almost 4 hours and about had a nervous breakdown. Then I came home and worked straight until about 2 in the morning. The great thing was that David is in town this week for work and he brought me dinner and a lot of Diet Coke. I couldn't have made it without him! He is the best.
Today I have to take care of 2 patients. They are both really sick and I am scared. I am also scared about having to give all of these medications and getting quized on them. Anyway, I am trying to stay calm and know that God is with me. He is my strength. I honestly do not know how people survive nursing school without Him, I sure couldn't. He called me to do this, and I am doing it for Him, He has it all in control.
Love you guys! Pray for me!
Today I have to take care of 2 patients. They are both really sick and I am scared. I am also scared about having to give all of these medications and getting quized on them. Anyway, I am trying to stay calm and know that God is with me. He is my strength. I honestly do not know how people survive nursing school without Him, I sure couldn't. He called me to do this, and I am doing it for Him, He has it all in control.
Love you guys! Pray for me!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
New clinical...same old nerves...
Today is my first day of Adult 2 Clinicals. I lucked out again and got night clinicals (3-11pm) so at least I am well rested and didn't have to get up at 4:30 this morning. But, I am very nervous. I am just not an adult med-surge kind of person. I don't like it. I have a several hours before I have to leave, and my paperwork is done, but I still feel like I am forgetting something.
Today we only have one patient, but starting next week, we will have 2, and then maybe even 3 or 4 before the end. It is a lot. I am stressed. Everyone please say a little prayer for me today if you think about it. I really appreciate it! Love you!
Today we only have one patient, but starting next week, we will have 2, and then maybe even 3 or 4 before the end. It is a lot. I am stressed. Everyone please say a little prayer for me today if you think about it. I really appreciate it! Love you!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Always be my baby!
Everyday that we spend together is so peaceful and fun. There is no pressure, stress, or uncomfortableness (if that's a word). He is my boyfriend and also one of my best friends. I can tell him anything, I can cry on his shoulder, or I can act like a goofball. From day one our relationship has been like that and I am just so grateful to God for placing someone like him in my life. David, if you are reading this, please know how much I love and appreciate you. I am so proud of the man you are and the example you are to all of those around you. You rock! Love you, babe!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My apartment is now incredible!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Peds clinical has come to a hault...now, bring on Adult 2!
So, sadly Peds clinical is over. I am sad. Yes, it is nice to cross one more thing off of my list, but I really don't want to move on to Med-Surge (Adult) 2. I am scared. But, I know that God has brought me all the way through this scary mess of nursing school and He will not leave me this close to the finish line. I loved Peds. I loved taking care of kids and getting all the hugs and kisses. Strangely, you don't get all that appreciation from adults. Not to mention, the workload in Adult 2 is bumped up 200%. You don't just get to take care of one patient. You now have 3. That means, 3 databases, 3 careplans, 3 concept maps, and learning 3 lists of medications. And of course, you only get one night to do it in. It's ok. I can do it. It will be my last clinical and that is amazing! I can officially see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks to all my friends who have put up with me through this heck. I know I have been busy the last year and I appreciate all you guys support. Your prayers are helping. Now everyone pray that I get the nicest, sweetest Adult 2 instructor ever. That makes all the difference in the world. I don't mind working hard, but I do mind getting treated like dirt.
On the upside, I am about to head to Long Beach! YAY! Then, tomorrow David and I are going to Aunt Pam's for the night. They haven't met him yet and I cannot wait to hang out with them and the boys. Also, my mom is coming into town next week, so that will be fun as well. Yay! Exciting!
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