So, sadly Peds clinical is over. I am sad. Yes, it is nice to cross one more thing off of my list, but I really don't want to move on to Med-Surge (Adult) 2. I am scared. But, I know that God has brought me all the way through this scary mess of nursing school and He will not leave me this close to the finish line. I loved Peds. I loved taking care of kids and getting all the hugs and kisses. Strangely, you don't get all that appreciation from adults. Not to mention, the workload in Adult 2 is bumped up 200%. You don't just get to take care of one patient. You now have 3. That means, 3 databases, 3 careplans, 3 concept maps, and learning 3 lists of medications. And of course, you only get one night to do it in. It's ok. I can do it. It will be my last clinical and that is amazing! I can officially see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks to all my friends who have put up with me through this heck. I know I have been busy the last year and I appreciate all you guys support. Your prayers are helping. Now everyone pray that I get the nicest, sweetest Adult 2 instructor ever. That makes all the difference in the world. I don't mind working hard, but I do mind getting treated like dirt.
On the upside, I am about to head to Long Beach! YAY! Then, tomorrow David and I are going to Aunt Pam's for the night. They haven't met him yet and I cannot wait to hang out with them and the boys. Also, my mom is coming into town next week, so that will be fun as well. Yay! Exciting!
I love this picture of you! You are beautiful!
Aww..thank you much!
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