Tomorrow is my birthday and I cannot believe it. This year has flown by and I stand amazed! This year has brought good and bad (but mostly good) and it's nice to get to reflect back over it.
This year I have:
Had my heart broken.
Celebrated my grandfather's 80th birthday.
Fallen head over heels in love.
Grown close to new friends.
Been on a carribean cruise with my mom.
Completed another 3 semesters of nursing school, which is the hardest thing I have ever done.
Got a speeding ticket.
Started an IV.
Watched a baby being born.
Become a part of an amazing church called The Way (they have a CUTE worship leader)
Almost failed a class.
Gained like 15 pounds..yuck.
Survived a hurricane.
Made-over my apartment (with help from my mom)
Saw my brother graduate from highschool.
Watched my Tim grow even taller.
Finished 4 clinicals.
Been blessed beyond belief.
Yes, 21 has been a great year and I hope 22 is just as good!
Love you all!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
So, today we had to go get measured for bridesmaids dresses for Malorie's wedding. Measurements are no fun unless you are like a size zero-four. Lets just say that I have gained so much weight since nursing school started. Blah, why in times of stress do I gain weight while some people lose weight?
My measurements were so messed up. My bust size needs a smaller dress than my waist size, so we had to order a gigantic dress and I guess will have to tailor it. I was hoping to lose more weight before the wedding, it is six months from today. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do that with my hectic schedule? I would appreciate any help I could get!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Yay and Praise the Lord!
So...I passed the class I was really worried about, just barely. I made a 70.23 and will take that! I will definitely graduate in May!
Thanks for everyone's prayers and well wishes. I am going to be in Pensacola until Friday and then will head to Birmingham! No school until January 12...What will I do? LoL.
Love you all!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanksgiving pics!

The Holley family is awesome... I guess I am an honorary member for now!

Me and my sweetheart. I look horrible!

Like this one!

Such a beautiful place!

The whole gang! There sure were a bunch of us!
I had such a great time with these people. Now, I know how David ended up so sweet, what a wonderful family!
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