So, today we had to go get measured for bridesmaids dresses for Malorie's wedding. Measurements are no fun unless you are like a size zero-four. Lets just say that I have gained so much weight since nursing school started. Blah, why in times of stress do I gain weight while some people lose weight?
My measurements were so messed up. My bust size needs a smaller dress than my waist size, so we had to order a gigantic dress and I guess will have to tailor it. I was hoping to lose more weight before the wedding, it is six months from today. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do that with my hectic schedule? I would appreciate any help I could get!
Don't look at me lol. I keep saying I'm going to try to start small and just go for a walk three or four times a week. So far I have done it twice in 3 months. I think school makes it so much harder because you never know what your week is going to be like. I am pulling my hair out right now. All I have done this week is study, eat and sleep. I hate that school is not over until right before Christmas, no time to rest up before I have to go shopping and all that other stuff I should have done already by now. I really need an extra week this year, do you think the world would mind if I pushed the pause button.
Love you, good luck, and don't let it bother you too much. Measurements were invented by some size negative 5 that got pleasure out of womens torture.
Girl, I am in the same boat! I have gained so much since sophmore year it makes me sad. The only time I EVER lose weight is to watch my calories. I know being busy makes that really hard though. If you are out alot maybe you could find a really small lunch bag that could stay in your book bag? Last time I was good on a diet I just did not eat a lunch that had to be refridgerated (Granola, nuts, rice snacks, appples etc). Good luck! I am giving it a try too!
Hey Girl! I just wanted you to know that I was reading your blog. I didn't realize you were on blogger! Its good to catch up!
Thanks girls! I am doing ok with just watching what I eat very carefully. I have already lost 3 pounds...Imagine that.
And hey to Staci! Glad you are reading the blog, I read yours too!
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