Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 Things You May Not Know About Me

1) I hate making my bed, but do not feel right about the day until the bed is made.
2) I love Yellowbox flip flops and wish it was warm enough to wear them.
3) Some nights I sleep 12 hours, some nights I sleep 6.
4) I absolutely do not feel human in the morning without my cup of coffee.
5) I absolutely HATE taking out the trash.
7) Dollar Tree is my new favorite store, they have really cool things in there.
8) I love dressing up and wish I had more opportunities to get dolled up.
9) I am not a patient person. At all.
10) I am in an orange kick right now, I have a huge basket of them on my kitchen table.
11) I melt inside when I see my boyfriend for the first time during the day (even after almost 10 months)
12) The "momma" in me comes out a lot when dealing with kids. I don't know how it's in there.
13) I literally get excited when my favorite pajammas are clean and I get to wear them.
14) I exercise on Wii-Fit daily mainly because I do not want that thing yelling at me for not working out!
15) I absolutely love Jon and Kate plus 8 and Tabitha's Salon Makeover.
16) I can always find something in Hobby Lobby that I cannot live without.
17) I want to learn how to garden and plant flowers.
18) I cook a completely new recipe at least once a week.
19) I wish I could take a bubble bath every single day. (And for you bubble bath haters, I do not sit in a pool of my own dirt. I am clean before I get in, I mean I do not roll around in mud all day.)
20) I would marry David today if he asked me, I am 100% sure about this one!
21) I love Borax laundry booster. It rocks!
22) I think that God has called me to work with children.
23) I hate the way the Grove opperates!
24) Sonic Happy Hour rocks and I love the Cherry Lime-aid!
25) I love Redbox and getting to rent movies for $1.


jhelene said...

I am also not a fan of how the grove operates. They sent me an e-mail notice of eviction two days ago, even though I have not lived there in months!

jhelene said...

Also, I did have the respiratory virus. I was not my favorite thing in the world. I'm not quite 100% but I am feeling worlds better (thanks for concern:). Two of my babies have had it in the last two weeks, and they have been oozing all over me. I am pretty sure that is how I picked it up.

Jessica said...

I cannot wait to move out of the Grove. Me and Maressa get harrassed by them on a daily basis and there is a HUGE black dog that lives next door to us (pretty sure that's against the rules). Sorry you had RSV, that is horrible! We have babies come in to the hospital with it a lot.