So, my amazing boyfriend showed up on my doorstep with a dozen pink roses (my favorite) last night! No occasion, he just did it because he loves me! Isn't he the greatest...and the flowers are gorgeous! Hands off girls, he is all mine!
So...If you haven't heard of the amazing deals you can get at CVS, you need to try it! I promise it is worth it. I am still fairly new at this "CVS game" and am having fun trying my hand at it. I am a coupon queen, so this is fun for me. Here is everything I got this week. Let me break it down for you:
1) Lysol 4 in 1 cleaner ($2.50)
2) 3 Palmolive Dish soaps ($1.49 each)--you earn $1 back for each of these in ECBs
3) 2 Glade Air Fresheners (.99 each)
4) 2 Listerine Smart Rinse (3.99 each)--you earn $3 back for each of these in ECBs
5) 1 Smart Water ($1.59)--you earn $1 in ECBs
6) 2 20 oz sodas--not pictured ($1.49 each)
Total: $22.29
-$4.00 off of purchase of $20 or more CVS coupon
-$1.00 off of 2 Glade Air Fresheners coupon
-$1.00 off of Lysol cleaner coupon
-$1.00 off Smart Rinse coupon
-$6.98 in ECBs from last week
Total OOP (out of pocket): $8.31
ECBs to use for next week: $10.59
I am getting the hang of this!
Ok, I guess you learn new things every day. I always thought I was the big coupon queen. lol. I love the cvs game though I have never called it that. I once got 20 dollars in ECB and spent like 5 bucks. The next week I went back, made another 15 ECB and only spent my 20 ECB from the week before except for some tax. It is so much fun but I haven't had much time to do it lately.
Have I ever told you about
Its this great site where you can buy bulk of specific coupons. I love it because the lady the runs the site gets the papers early and post the coupons on like Friday or Saturday. This means you get to see what is coming in the paper before you get it. There is also a forum where you can get tips and share your big savings. It is cool you should check it out.
Well, all I can say is I'm jealous. I went to CVS today to get the drinks that were on sell and nothing else. I was supposed to get 2 ECB back but when I left the store they were not on my ticket. So I went back in and finally the lady just gave me two bucks. She didn't know why it didn't work. In hind site I kind of with I had gone to another store and gotten some more of the drinks to see if they worked and then I would have gotten 4 out of it even though there was a limit of 1 offer.
Anyway I have a bunch of coupons now so I need to get this weeks add and have some fun of my own.
Later, Love the flowers btw.
Yes, I am slowley getting the hang of it. Everyone at Dave's church knows how I love my coupons! I am a tad obsessed. But, it saves so much money! I heard a bunch of people call it the "CVS game" and I think it fits.
Aren't the flowers beautiful? I love my boyfriend...
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