Monday, July 18, 2011

Moving on when you don't feel like it!

Well, haven't posted in awhile. Actually, I haven't posted since the heartbreak of losing our baby at only 6 weeks. I know that God will work everything to good, all we have to do is trust in Him, however, this has been a very tough road to walk through.

I feel like I cry all the time. Why am I still crying when it happened 2 months ago? I trust Him, I really do, but my heart is hurting. I so wanted to be a mom, I thought those dreams were coming true....I already loved that jelly bean in my stomach. When they confirmed that I indeed was miscarrying, I seriously couldn't even process it. Just couldn't believe it. It is setting in more and more, but not sure how to move on.

Some days I am fine, other days I struggle, but I am so thankful that He has not left my side the entire time. He is with us wherever we go and whatever we go through! Thanks so much for all of your prayers, David and I feel them and we love you all!