Thursday, April 29, 2010

What? All by myself? is crazy. Really, really challenging because nursing school teaches absolutely nothing about the OR. It is so much to learn, orientation for a new nurse is supposed to be 6-7 months or longer.

Well...summer is almost here. Summer is H-E-double hockey sticks apparently in the OR because all the kids are out of school and have time to have surgeries. So, basically they are going to be short staffed. Guess what that means? They are freezing my orientation and making me staff a room all alone. AHH! Now, they are saying they are going to stick me in easy Eyes and Plastics rooms (the team I am joining after orientation) and Dental rooms (really boring) and that I will be fine. I hope so, I still feel like I know absolutely nothing. After the summer, I still have to finish orientation, so that means I wont be done until late Fall.

Anyway, tomorrow I guess is a trial run. They are putting me in an eye room (my favorite, not sure why) by myself with a good scrub person and hopefully all will go well. Fingers crossed!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Project

So, I have been watching Dancing with the Stars as usual this season. I have always liked Kate Gosselin. I know she is not perfect and she has made her share of mistakes over the last few years. I just feel like I have this weird connection with her, not sure if it's because she is a nurse, a type A personality, or just the way she loves her kids. But, I have always been fascinated with her and very defensive of her.

She is going through a messy divorce with someone who was not faithful to her. She is being drug through the media and photographers follow her around all the time and she has still tried to show a brave face to her 8 little children. Anyway, I did not think she was the best dancer, but she represented all of us who try. I would have looked just about like her or worse out there.

So, this brings me back to my lastest project. I was watching DWTS on Tuesday and saw that she got the boot, she cried her eyes out and my heart went out to her. I felt as if the Lord was telling me to start praying for her. Not just a little prayer every once in awhile, but really interceding for her and her children. She used to go to an assemblies of God church faithfully, and maybe she has fallen away from the church recently, but I belief she knows the truth. I also believe she is in a real crisis right now and needs to be lifted up.

So, that is what I am going to do. It may sound stupid, but she needs our prayers, not our criticism. So, I am now praying for Kate as well as Maddy, Cara, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Aiden, Collin, and Joel. I am as well adding Jon to the list. Just feels like something I should do. Who knows where it will lead if anywhere.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back to the land of the living!!!

So, after 2 weeks of intense pain, taking pain medicine, and feeling down right sick....drumroll please.....I AM SO MUCH BETTER!!!

I ended up having to stay in the hospital for two nights. It was definitely very weird being on the patient side of healthcare, it was very eye opening. The nurses and my awesome doctor took very good care of me and pumped me full of IV fluids and antibiotics. The conclusion was that I had a very bad kidney infection and for some reason my body wasn't tolerating the oral antibiotics I was taking.

Now, I am back at home and going back to work tomorrow. They are going to let me do some computer classes for a week or two and not make me go right back to all the craziness of a regular day! I am glad I am going back to work on a Friday that way I do not have the pressure of a whole week, just one day and I can rest on the weekend!

I am really going to start spending more time on this blog...I really enjoy it and like being able to go back and seeing the year and things I would've not remembered or thought about.

Thanks to everyone who prayed for me during the last few weeks! Love you!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kidney Infection

So, I woke up today with a horrible pain in my back and right side, a headache, and feeling sick to my stomach. Thinking it would go away with some coffee and Tylenol, I got up and got ready for church. During the course of the morning the pain got more and more severe. I was in tears by 12 and we decided to go to the doctor.

Turns out after urine tests and blood work that I have a kidney infection. Man, never thought these could be so painful. The doctor gave me an antibiotic shot, antibiotic meds, and some pain medicine. I was told to drink lots of water and stay home from work tomorrow. I then had to call work and tell them what happened, and they were very understanding. I have taken the medicine, drank the water, and boy oh boy I am still in severe pain! The doctor told me that if I wasn't better in a couple days to come back and they would check for stones.

I am really hoping I start feeling better, don't want to miss anymore work. I am already taking off Friday so Dave and I can go to a worship conference in Florence. I think I am just going to stay in bed all day tomorrow, although I know I will be tempted to do housework, I did dishes tonight, probably shouldn't have pushed it, but they were driving me crazy! Nurses make the worst patients!