Sunday, March 28, 2010

Worst blogger in history...

I am so bad about updating this thing. Which stinks, because I really like blogging, but I never seem to find the time to just sit down and do it. While watching Julie and Julia again for the second time I was inspired to start my blogging back up. I was also inspired to start cooking some new recipes, but how can you not while watching that movie.

Man, this weekend has gone by WAY too fast. But, it always is that possible? I feel like the week goes by so stinking slow and then am SO excited it's the weekend, blink my eyes, and it is over.

Work is stressing me out. I know I take it way too personal. I shouldn't care so much, but I hate feeling like I have no clue as to what I am doing. I wind up feeling like a moron all day. I am hoping I get the swing of it soon, I have already been there for three I am about halfway through orientation. Wow, that is a scary thought.

Dave and I are doing well. I seriously married the most amazing man in the world. We just celebrated our 6 month anniversary and I love him more today than I could ever imagined. He helps me out so much and he is there when I need him. We are having so much fun being cool living with your best friend.

Anyway, I need to be heading towards bed soon. 5:00 am comes very soon. I am going to try to update this thing at least once a week, but I have said that before. Love you all!

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