Thursday, April 29, 2010

What? All by myself? is crazy. Really, really challenging because nursing school teaches absolutely nothing about the OR. It is so much to learn, orientation for a new nurse is supposed to be 6-7 months or longer.

Well...summer is almost here. Summer is H-E-double hockey sticks apparently in the OR because all the kids are out of school and have time to have surgeries. So, basically they are going to be short staffed. Guess what that means? They are freezing my orientation and making me staff a room all alone. AHH! Now, they are saying they are going to stick me in easy Eyes and Plastics rooms (the team I am joining after orientation) and Dental rooms (really boring) and that I will be fine. I hope so, I still feel like I know absolutely nothing. After the summer, I still have to finish orientation, so that means I wont be done until late Fall.

Anyway, tomorrow I guess is a trial run. They are putting me in an eye room (my favorite, not sure why) by myself with a good scrub person and hopefully all will go well. Fingers crossed!

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