Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two patients now...oh the joy!

So, yesterday was my first day picking up two patients. Oh my, the chaos. I was at the hosptial for almost 4 hours and about had a nervous breakdown. Then I came home and worked straight until about 2 in the morning. The great thing was that David is in town this week for work and he brought me dinner and a lot of Diet Coke. I couldn't have made it without him! He is the best.

Today I have to take care of 2 patients. They are both really sick and I am scared. I am also scared about having to give all of these medications and getting quized on them. Anyway, I am trying to stay calm and know that God is with me. He is my strength. I honestly do not know how people survive nursing school without Him, I sure couldn't. He called me to do this, and I am doing it for Him, He has it all in control.

Love you guys! Pray for me!

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