Saturday, July 24, 2010

Good Morning!

Good morning all! We are just being a lazy family today. Drinking coffe, chilling, and watching tv make for the best Saturday mornings!

Lai went to the vet yesterday and this round of shots included the rabies vaccine. Smaller dogs act like babies when they get vaccines, makes them really sore, sleepy, and a tad irritable. She is still very sleepy. On the brighter side, she weighs 3.4 pounds now. She gained almost 1 pound in 3 weeks, I was shocked!

After going to the vet, we came home and she and I crashed for almost 7 hours. I have no idea why I slept so long, just tired I guess. After that, David and I went out to dinner and shopped for something to wear Sunday. This Sunday the choir is wearing red and neither one of us has anything red. I found a really cute dress with some red in it at Ross. I will post pics of me wearing it, if I can remember. We also got Laila a new toy for being so brave at the vet. :)

Today we are going to try to go to the dollar movie and see Iron Man 2. We still haven't seen it! I need to do dishes and laundry, so I am not sure why I am still sitting here procrastinating! Lol. Talk at ya later!

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