Saturday, August 14, 2010

How Big Is God?

I have a book of my Meemaw's poems that she wrote many years ago. They are so encouraging and uplifting. Here is one that I have been reading the last couple of days. Hope it encourages you!

How Big Is God?

When the storms of life are beating,
And the waves are rolling high;
On the sea of life we're tossing
Does He really hear our cry?

When we're being persecuted
Those we've trusted have let us down,
They've spread doubt and vicious gossip
Is He really still around?

When the clouds of gloom hang heavy
Seems there is no sky in sight,
Wait There is a ray of sunshine
To scatter clouds and banish night.

All the time He's been there waiting
For His discouraged, stumbling child
To cry out, in faith believing
He'll bring victory, give a smile.

He's big enough to calm the waters
To bring us safely through the tests,
Yes, big enough for every problem
Never doubt, His way is best.

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